DIY Features

Features of the pen comparison with similar product

User programmable buttons is the major feature which distinguish our
pen from the others.


Except the power on / off button, all other buttons can be associated with any functions the pen has. The way to program it is simple. Here is the command line from the config.ini file (a file you can open with Windows text editor like wordpad or notepad)

Each button can carry two functions base on the duration of the press; short (S) or long (L). Refer to the function list for available functions and their corresponding codes.

powerS=4012 ;Power on
playS=4011 ;Pause and resume
playL=0000 ;deactivated
leftS=4001 ;increase volume
leftL=0000 ;deactivated
rightS=4002;decrease volume
rightL=0000 ;deactivated


Features of software comparing to others

OidProducer is an all-in-one project editor, it has the following major advantages over all the
other competitors:
1) It accepts JPEG as well as multipage PDF with option to adjust the resolution of import;
2) It has quick copies functions which can significantly increase speed of produciton;
3) It has automatic mapping of sound files to object function, simply name all sound files in a
designated folder, sounds will be associated to the object you code automatically.
4) It has Text-to-Speech function, means you can generate a sound just by typing;
5) This is very POWERFUL, stimulator! that allows you test out your project right at the
beginning or at any stages of your production.
6) Again very POWERFUL, distributed workflow that allows you break down a big project,
distribute them to various parties, combining them back into one when all bits and pieces
come back.
….. more …. and more you simply has to feel it the speed and convenience it offers!!



Codes supported by hardware / software

OidProducer and the hardware come hand in hand, they are called the billions maker!

Each pen (the filmware distinguish one from the other) can carry 10 billion code.

1) 1 – 10000 are reserved to programming and functional codes;
2) 10001 – 65535 are codes for content mapping;
3) 65536 up to 10 billions are proprietary capable to be transferred at a cost.


Games and applications available

Three types of games can be created WITHHIN OidProducer. We must emphasis this point
because the situation with Infoweaver is totally different; it only good at allowing you to
code and you need to use 3rd parties program provided by assembly factories to make game.

There are three types of algorithm for games; OidProducer and Infoweaver are the same on
1) Maze game: set up a maze for to player to walk through, it can be a sequence of answers
like sentence structure and sequencing of events;
2) Share Prompt game: the name share prompt refer to the audio, it means all the games
share the same set of reminder audio like “yes, you are correct”, “No, try again”, “Well
done! you passed”, “I am sure you can do better next time”….. These responses are not very
informative in the sense that it does not provide the students with much needed analysis and
review, and therefore we have the last one called;
3) Custom Prompt game: where all the response to correct and wrong answers can be customized. OUP’s Oxford Path Primary Chinese set has adopted quite a lot of this kind of
algorithm for their exercises. The result is, students will hear the response to the answer no
matter it is right or wrong.

Application available?

SDK for free!!! is the answer

The technology itself in simple term is, a set of code, a decoder (hardware / software) and a
camera and that’s it. It is like barcode, qr code (in fact QR code contains more information
but it’s instrinsically not suitable for publication due to its jarring appearance).

With SDK, we provide you the library to make use of the code, to decode to link the virtual
world to paper. Thus, we can say there can be many with people willing to develop the application. To contrast this with Sonix, they don’t provide SDK, some vendor like Anoto from
Sweden will provide subject to a big contractual commitment.


Recording function

We have three types of recording function, sticker is only one of them:

1) Panel recording, it works like the casette tape recorder. We have a set of function code to allow you to put a recorder on each page. The panel recording is an univeral recording, it is used throughout a book (if you use book code at all), or run throughout your entire project of many books (if you don’t use book code or a single book code for many books)

2) sticker recording, it is a single sticker recording kind; it invite you to record when it is empty, playback the content when it carries content. The recording, stop and save, playback function are all in a single sticker, you only need a delete recording to operate that.

3) Voice note!! this is innovative; to make all the codes recordable. A function code allows you to switch into voice note mode, you can make use of the code you laid for pre-recorded content for recording. The intention to make this is to cater for teacher’s exposition of a topic or explanation of an concept, it can also be used by students to record their own interpretation of a topic.

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